Sunday, November 9, 2008

Take Off!

Hello World!

Epic Movement ASU is ready to make some noise! I really want to write down the cool stuff that God is doing here at Arizona State University with Epic Movement every week so that others around the world can be encouraged. God has been doing some awesome things through Epic, and we want others to be able to share with our experiences and pray for what God is doing. It is my hope that I can get other contributors from within our Epic Movement here at ASU to share their experiences on this blog. This way you can get a several different perspectives and stories from other people in our movement. Hopefully, we can update weekly and tell others about what is going on here. Eventually, it would be awesome to be networked with other movements' blogs from all over the nation, and together we can take the internet by storm.

God is working in everyone's lives, and everyone has a story to tell. We hope that Epic Movement ASU's blog can serve as a catalyst that will help ispire and encourage you to take off with the dreams and visions God has placed on our heart. God is faithful to those who walk out and take a step of faith. In the next few days, weeks, months, years, we will recount the history of God's faithfulness to us here at ASU, and we hope that this will likewise help you to respond to God's calling for your lives. Happy writing! It's time for take off! Woooot!

What happens here changes the world!!!!!

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